LDAP: How Status of Student is Determined and Delivered

All UNL, UNCTA, UNMC Dentistry, and UNO Engineering students use the following rules to show their status in LDAP.

The field that shows if a person is a student is eduPersonAffiliation while unlSISStudentStatus shows a person's registration status. Both are multi-value.

Status as a student is evaluated on a rolling 5 term (semester) basis, two previous terms, two future terms and the current term. Terms can be divided into sessions that run for a part of the term, only the summer term has standard sessions (e.g. 3 week, 8 week) but a student can have an enrollment in a nonstandard session during any term. Each term or session influences the unlSISStudentStatus field which is is then summarized in eduPersonAffiliation field.

The possible values for the unlSISStudentStatus field are; pastRegistered, eligible, registered, futureEligible, futureRegistered, and graduated.

unlSISStudentStatus contains "graduated" if the student graduated in the previous 2 terms.

unlSISStudentStatus contains "pastRegistered" if the student was registered in any one of the previous 2 terms with the following exceptions; if the student graduated in a term and was not registered in the other previous term, if the student has an incomplete in a course in a term or session and was not registered in any other previous term or session, if the student has an incomplete course in all previous registered sessions for the past 2 terms.

unlSISStudentStatus contains "eligible" if a student is eligible to register for the current term and not registered for all its standard sessions.

unlSISStudentStatus contains "registered" if any of the following conditions are meet; the student is registered for any session in the current term, the student is a current IEP (Intensive English Program) student, the student has an incomplete course in any session in the previous 2 terms.

unlSISStudentStatus contains "futureEligible" if the student is eligible to register for a future term and is not registered for all the future standard sessions.

unlSISStudentStatus contains "futureRegistered" if the student is registered for any course in a future term.


In addition to various non-student values the possible student related values for eduPersonAffiliation are student and graduated.

eduPersonAffiliation contains "student" if unlSISStudentStatus contains any of; pastRegistered, eligible, registered, futureEligible, futureRegistered.

eduPersonAffiliation contains "graduated" if the student graduated in the previous 2 terms (generally treated the same as a pastRegistered student).